1. How do we address you?
I use this online pseudo ‘miichan’ since forever/for decades. If you think that’s cringe (lol) you can refer me as curry.

2. Can I repost or re-translate your translations?
No to both questions. First of all, these are my hard work, so I wish you would opt to share by linking my posts instead. You may repost only (with credits/link) on a non monetised platform if you’re a client who commissioned me to translate. Secondly, always translate from original language for the best accuracy. On the other hand, you may create summary with your own words or write headcanons based on my translations.

3. I wish to see full translations of this post, what do I do?
Please commission me. I usually publish translation for one track of commissioned drama cd for portfolio purpose. The idea is to show that this is the genre of drama cd that I can translate. I also think it’s unfair to post whole commissioned translation when my client paid for it unless they’re cool with that. If you’re interested to read full translation, you will have to pay the same amount my client did.

4. How did you learn Japanese?
I’m a J-pop culture fan. Even though my fandoms changed over the years, my interests somehow stay within Japanese media. Naturally, I picked up the language after years of consuming Japan pop culture. Eventually I took 5 semesters lessons at college and I am also certified with JLPT N3.

5. What is currytantou?
It means “curry representative”. This is the nickname/position of voice actor Eguchi Takuya in Kiramune Company, as he is known for his fondness for curry rice. I am a long time Egu fan (since 2013) and I have been using this handle forever.

6. What is the password to see your post?
I lock my tumblr page and selected posts in this wordpress blog with the following keyword katsucurry. Posts that are locked are those risky ones/content obtainable behind paywall.

Thanks for checking out my blog and have a good day 🙂